Movie Q&A: Liebster Award

A couple weeks ago, Hamlette at Hamlette's Soliloquy nominated me for a Liebster Award, with the following rules. 1. Answer the 11 questions given by the person who nominated you. 2. Nominate other bloggers (up to 11) and give them 11 questions to answer. The questions look fun, and after a busy couple of weeks, I finally have the time to answer them, so here goes! 1. Are there any movies you like better than the books they were based on? I first watched the 1995 Sense and Sensibility not long after I'd read the novel, and I was obnoxious in hating on all the ways it differed from the book, but a couple of years ago, I watched the movie again and adored it. Sense and Sensibility is my least favorite Jane Austen novel, and the movie improves upon the book in so many ways. The romance between Elinor and Edward feels real, important and emotional. Colonel Brandon gets to perform a big romantic gesture for Marianne that outdoes Willoughby's, and their ma...