"Five Poisoned Apples" Writing Contest!

Rooglewood Press has just announced their theme for this year's fairy tale retelling contest! THE FINAL FAIRY TALE CONTEST Rooglewood Press invites you to join the adventure of the Five Poisoned Apples creative writing contest! CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS . This is the final contest that Rooglewood Press plans to host, and it looks like it will be a lovely one. (Just look at that cover!) Contestants must write a retelling of "Snow White and the Seven Dwarves" that is between 5,000 and 20,000 words in length. Submission forms are due December 16th, 2017, and the finished stories must be emailed to Rooglewood Press by December 31st, 2017. Further details, obviously, are available at the above link. As a lover of fairy tale retellings, I adore the concept behind these anthologies. By focusing on one fairy tale at a time, these books provide a greater range for creativity and a more complete look at their chosen fairy tales. As a contestant and winner of th...